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Sprout: Nurturing Your Beginning (Start for Free, Upgrade When Needed!)

METRC Data Dashboards: Visualize your cultivation facility’s performance like never before. Gain insights into plant health, resource usage, and more.

Alerts: Get notified of changes in state/local regulations.

Knowledge Base: Draw on the combined knowledge of our user community to take your operation to the next level.

Messaging: Foster seamless communication with your team, enhancing collaboration and alignment.

Notifications: Stay informed with real-time alerts, ensuring crucial growth milestones are met.

Task Calendar: Organize and streamline operations with a dynamic calendar for tasks and goals.

Seedling: Cultivate with Confidence

All Sprout features, plus:

METRC Data Synchronization: Keep your METRC data current and accurate for seamless compliance.

Single Facility Management: Efficiently manage your facility’s operations from a single interface.

Cultivation Workflows: Streamline your growing process with customizable workflows.

Flower: Blossom into Efficiency

All Seedling features, plus:

Automated Harvest Checking: Automate and streamline the critical harvest validation process.

Environmental Sensors Available: Monitor your facility’s environment with advanced sensor integration.

Scale Integration Available: Seamlessly integrate scales for precise measurements.

Includes 2 Facilities: Efficiently oversee multiple facilities with centralized management. Optionally add additional facilities.

Canopy: Reach for the Skies

All Flower features, plus:

Monthly Compliance Assessment: Receive regular compliance evaluations to ensure ongoing adherence. 

Manage Facilities in Multiple States
: Seamlessly handle facilities across different regulatory landscapes.

Manage Multiple Facilities: Expand and manage multiple facilities confidently.

Historical Analysis: Gain deep insights from historical data to drive informed decisions. 

Custom SOPs and Workflows
: Tailor standard operating procedures to your unique needs.

Visitor Management: Efficiently manage facility access for visitors and stakeholders. 

Dedicated Support Team
: Receive priority support from a dedicated team.

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